Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hello my name is Marina Churchill. I am nineteen years old and am nine months pregnant with a baby girl. Her name is Corrine Rose, and I am placing her for adoption. To tell you a little bit about myself, I myself was adopted when I was six, but I had been living with the family as a foster child since I was two. Unlike with this adoption, mine was done by the state and not the choice of my birthmother. I had an open adoption and have known my birthmother my whole life. My birth mother has been struggling with addiction of many kinds for most of my life and it was hard for me growing up, but I think it makes me appreciate my real mother a lot more. I say real mom because even though she didn't give birth to me, my mom has been the best and way more of a mother to me then my birth mother could ever have been. I still love my birth mom but she has her own issues she has been dealing with, so she cant be there for me the way she should have been, and that is okay. I have two half blood siblings an older sister and a younger brother, and then I have five adopted siblings two sisters and three brothers. I am the only adopted child in my family, it doesn't bother me. four of my five siblings are happily married and three of them have beautiful baby girls. I love both my families very much and I feel I was meant to be a part of both of them.
I am currently still in high school and looking for a job. I am single and I have not been with the father since the early in my second trimester. My choice to place the baby has been just that: my choice. I cant really explain all of my reasons for this choice. I wont lie this has been and will probably be the hardest thing I ever will have to do. I love my baby more than anyone could put into words. I am generally a very selfish person so caring so much for someone that I really don't know at all is a very strange feeling. I have struggled with my choice ever since I made it. I know that I am making the right choice, for her and myself even though it is the hardest choice. I feel very strongly that everything happens for a reason and this is no different. I have cried and been happy/sad and grown up more in these last nine months more than any other time in my life. I can say for sure I have learned and will continue to learn a lot from this, and I invite you all to learn with me. I guess that is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Can I have Tara attach it to our web page?
